Temple of Fortuna dot com offers calendars, prayers, socializing and a Neo-Pagan year of weekly Pagan Goddess podcasts as a celebration of international spiritual diversity.
The Temple
Temple of Fortuna dot com is a virtual temple space and not a physical space. Social networking has been available at our online group since 2013 (linked through the "Societas Socialis" tab). This website has been privately owned since 2009 and is published as a public service only. Neither memberships nor donations are accepted through this website.
A Religious Organization from the Past
From November 19, 2009 until February 15, 2023 an organization named "Temple of Fortuna dot com" was incorporated in the State of California as a tax exempt Public Charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States of America and Section 23701d(c)(1) of California’s Revenue and Taxation code. Contributions made to that organization, within the above-mentioned time frame, were deductible under section 170 of the IRS code. As a Public Charity the organization was also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devices, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the IRS code. However; the organization dissolved in 2023, and any donations sent after the organization dissolved may not have been received by the organization nor tax deductible for the sender.
The above-mentioned closure date is an approximated estimate, and is based on some of the organization's dissolution documents. Interpretations of the exact date of dissolution for the organization may vary and may be verified by the governing authority. Former USA donors and subscribers should verify extent of deductibility, for previous donations, with a tax adviser. The organization was not aware of any international financial benefits or reciprocal agreements. Former international donors and subscribers should verify existence and/or extent of deductibility, for previous donations, with a regional tax adviser.
This privately owned and maintained website was lent to the Temple of Fortuna dot com organization, from 2009 to 2022, as a courtesy.
Our mission is to provide a doorway to weekly Neo-Pagan Goddess worship for beginners, for spiritual people who have been considering Paganism and are accustomed to a more traditional worship service, and for global Pagans who simply wish for an organized system of online worship.
Our Creed opens and closes each Worship Services podcast. We call the four directions while honoring the turning of Fortuna’s wheel in Latin and English language.
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Wheel of Fortune illustration Carmina Burana, circa 1220s. Image in the public domain via Wikipedia. |
Direction of East: Sum Sine Regno, I Have no Kingdom
Direction of South: Regnabo, I Shall Reign
Direction of West: Regno, I Reign
Direction of North: Regnavi, I Have Reigned
Online Neo-Pagan Goddess Worship Services
Temple of Fortuna online worship services podcasts were written, coordinated and recorded on Sunday mornings for more than a year by the founder. The podcasts feature a wide variety of wonderful guest speakers as well as permissioned music by many different talented performing artists and bands. The recordings were created in a global outreach to form both an international, online Pagan congregation and an association for organized, spiritual Neo-Pagan Goddess worship headquartered in Southern California, USA.
These worship services can be attended at the convenience of the global online Pagan congregation, from the privacy of the home, or anywhere there is an internet connection and access to this website. The Worship Services podcasts are available to the public for listening free of charge throughout the year. A library of programs and transcribed sermons from our worship services are archived for the convenience of Temple of Fortuna dot com subscribers.
Podcasts and videos, and permissioned music in the podcasts and videos, are protected by copyright.
Listen online, please do not download.
Listen online, please do not download.
Ethics and Rituals
Temple of Fortuna dot com specifically supports human, animal and environmental rights.
The Temple prohibits any activity, ritual tool, costume, decoration, or “acting out” of any ritual or temple-affiliated activity which depicts or is derived from abuse, exploitation or harm to animals, people or the environment.
Rituals and activities shall be in compliance with local, national and international law. Members, ritual priestesses and priests are not bound to secrecy and may seek assistance from outside authorities at any time. Activities found in violation of this section are grounds for revocation of membership and any priestess or priest title formerly recognized by the Temple.
Work on the website of Temple of Fortuna dot com was started in 2009. Soon thereafter, the Temple website could be found organically on the first page of major search engines, for the search terms Pagan Worship Services and Temple of Fortuna. We may infer that the blessings of the Goddess Fortuna, Herself, have been with us on this virtual, spiritual journey.
In 2014 a new banner and logo were designed by the founder, E.S. Simpson. The design was inspired by photographs of a wonderful statue of the Goddess Fortuna, and the colors and detail of an altar decorated with vibrant frescoes of the Goddesses Fortuna and Ceres. The website was upgraded and decorated with matching colors.
Image at left: Fortuna, Roman replica of Greek Statue of the Fourth Century CE, from the New Wing Chiaromonte Museum of the Vatican Museums, Vatican City, Italy. Photo credit: Sailko. Image at center: Temple of Fortuna dot com logo created with photo editing software provided by the website of Lunapic. Image at right: Roman Goddess Fortuna (good luck); fresco from a Roman altar of Fortuna and Ceres at the Archaeological Museum in Milan, Italy. Photo credit: Giovanni Dall'Orto, derivative work permitted. |
Banners and Links

Several banner designs are available for linking to Temple of Fortuna dot com, as well as banner links for additional resources.
Temple of Fortuna dot com expresses gratitude to all of Her people, who work, assist, give, share and create. Musicians and guest speakers who contributed to Temple of Fortuna dot com podcasts are included in the worship services credits, as are many of the websites and books whose authors and creators provided inspiration.
When it was a NonProfit Corporation in California USA, Temple of Fortuna Dot Com provided for public disclosure of certain information, such as the organization's tax exemption application and the most recent fiscal year annual tax returns. Many of these disclosures may still be found at this website. Please use appropriate search terms, such as annual tax return and tax exempt document in the search tools provided on this website.
Disclosures may also be found and/or verified at other official websites, using search terms Temple of Fortuna dot com or IRS EIN Number 27-0571464. Included among these websites:
United States of America Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Tax Exempt Organization Search tool (https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/tax-exempt-organization-search) is available to the public, to help find information about a tax-exempt organization’s federal tax status and filings. According to IRS you can use the search tool to verify when the organization was eligibility to receive (IRS) tax-deductible charitable contributions (Pub 78 data), whether the organization's federal tax exemption is currently active based on IRS filings, and Form 990-N or Form 990 Series IRS filings for the organization.
Please use the Temple contact form.