


Temple of Fortuna dot com Recognizes

The Anonymous

The Anonymous are people who create; who write books, publish websites, and who created statues, altars and temples in ancient times. These are also people who receive; who read, search online and in the libraries, appreciate, visit and share the remarkable stories and history of the Goddess Fortuna. These are people whom we rarely meet, although we wish we could. The Anonymous are influences appreciated from afar.

The Artists and Speakers

The Artists and Speakers are people who create for the purpose of sharing; who write songs, perform music, draw, paint or sculpt. These are also people who are ready, willing and able to share of their talents; who help create podcasts, give artwork permissions, and speak through the shining light of their presence. The Artists and Speakers are people whose voices, talents, visions and ideals bring the mission of the Temple to life.


The network are those who give and receive and who are generous with words and deeds. These are friends, family, artists, writers and supporters who have sent messages, money and gifts for adornment and ritual. The network is people who communicate in positive ways, who give financially and with tangible gifts of abundance.

The Encouragers and Advisors

The Encouragers and Advisors are people who assist; people who are legal advisors, technical support, educators and experienced leaders of organizations. These are also the people who have attuned to and tuned into the Worship Services Podcasts. The Encouragers and Advisors are people who are willing to listen and who are there for us in so many different ways when we need them.

The Workers

The founder and the former boards of directors are people who worked; people who learned to understand the nuts and bolts of how to create an organization and keep it afloat for many years. The workers are people with strong beliefs who were willing to do whatever it took, for however long it took, to provide enough stability for an organization to prosper long enough make a difference in our world.

Temple of Fortuna dot com

Expresses gratitude to all of the people who have worked, assisted, given, shared and created in honor of the Goddess Fortuna.