The Goddess of Good Luck in the Present Day
This cella was initially proposed in the style of a shrine, after review of a first year Wicca program and mentoring offered by Correllian Educational Ministries was completed by Temple of Fortuna dot com President, E.S. Simpson. The cella is intended to open the door to learning and acceptance of acceptable, contemporary Neo-Pagan teachings offered via a variety of sources.
On November 5, 2017 (Year 17 Aquarius) an online Shrine of Fortuna Huiusque Diei was approved by the Temple of Fortuna dot com board of directors, and reviewed by Correllian Educational Ministries director, Rev. Don Lewis, in recognition of Correllian Nativist Ministries first year Wicca educational course as an example of extrinsic teachings that may comply with Temple of Fortuna dot com ethics and rituals.
Several distinguished aspects of the Goddess Fortuna were discussed at an open Temple of Fortuna dot com board of directors meeting, as well as a new graphic for the shrine, and Fortuna Huiusque Diei (Fortune or Luck of the Present Day) was suggested by former board member Astanon Darastrix, and selected by majority vote for the naming of the shrine.

A new black and white Goddess Fortuna graphic was created by former board member and award-winning tarot artist, Robert Place. Colors were applied collaboratively by Pluma Argenti, of the Correllian Nativist Tradition, and E.S. Simpson, founder of Temple of Fortuna dot com. All of the participating artists permissioned Temple of Fortuna dot com to display this graphic.
Temple of Fortuna dot com is not associated with the Correllian organizations and, on May 2, 2018, a Correllian Tradition representative clarified their agreement in this regard. However, people who have studed first year Wicca programs through Correllian Educational Ministries and/or have read its accompanying text continue to be welcome at Temple of Fortuna dot com.